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   Hi my name is Calvin Lorenzo McClendon.  
I have talk with my parents and I have found out that 
I have quite a mix when it comes to my heritage. 

   My mother, Tonya Marie McClendon (Rogers), was born March 13, 1960 
in Boston Ma. is a descendant of Jamaican and African-American 
heritage.  My Father, Alvin Lorenzo McClendon Sr. born Dec. 9, 195? 
in Elberton, Ga. is a descendant of Cherokee (my grandmom) and Canadian 
Indians (my granddad), and also is a descendant of African-Americans 
who were once slaves on my Great Grandmothers side.		

   My Great Grandfather, Lovett traveled from Canada across lake 
Erie, in the 1920's to Cleveland Ohio.  In the late 1920's he moved 
to Elberton, Ga., where he met my Great Grandmother Lela.  She was 
originally from Washington, Ga., but moved to Elberton for a change.

   My Great Grandmother had two sons and two daughters: Moses, James, 
Mary and Luneal.  Moses Dixon McClendon Sr., who was born in 
Elberton Ga., September 26, 1934 was my grandfather.  He 
married Geneva Ann McClendon (Cleveland) my grandmother.  
They had five children, my Uncle Shedrick, my Uncle Moses who 
we call Grand Moses, my Dad, my Auntie Sophie and my Uncle Marcus 
(whose nickname is Danky).

   I never got to meet my Grandfather Moses.  He died 18 years 
before I was born.  Even though I never met him I miss him 
because my dad misses him a lot.  He was a good dad to my daddy.

   My dad met my mom, they both were in the US Army in the 70's. 
My sister Jami was born January 28 1977 in Cleveland Ohio 
and my brother Alvin Jr. was born on October 22, 1983 on 
Ft Gordon, Ga.  I was born November 23, 1987 on Ft. Benning, Ga.  
This is my heritage, and I am proud to be who I am. :o)

Hope you enjoyed my web site!

This site was designed by Calvin and his Dad.
Last updated Sep 18th 1998

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